It’s time to reject the weapon and take up sports equipment! The new project from the Mode 7 Games studio from the rare genre of “simultaneous step-by-step” entered into beta testing. We did not pass by.
Frozen Cortex
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Yeah, I liked Froze Synapse, but Endzone was very interested in, it will be necessary to try it out, in general, thanks for the preview, gleb!
In this case, beta – piece almost finished product. So the release really should bring a lot of new.
The fact of the matter is that you can dug up many different options. Even in the examples that you threw, the transcription is different, pay attention. And yes, the Oxford version is very close to “my truth” than the second (pronunciation there, possibly machine, like Google).
Second option: synaps. It is “APS”, and not “EPS”, as for some reason you originally wrote. After all, the sound “e” is designated as [e], possibly [ə] or [æ].
In terms of stress, again I trust three (. ) options from simple people (and not only American, but also English – again your inattention;)). Perhaps this is the wrong solution, but it is closer to me.
In general, the dispute, of course, is still 🙂
With all respect, Gleb, if the Oxford Dictionary seems unfounded statement, then here you have another pronunciation option. With sound, how you love.
Suppose, with reference, we figured out, there really were still options. The phonetic transcription on the right on the same page, however, continues to speak in my favor. It is not known from what streets these native speakers were scored.
We assume that both are right. I, in any incomprehensible cases, look first of all the transcription, so the American pronunciation for me is that coffee of the middle kind. They are thinking of themselves, bypassing the rules.
It will be necessary to get acquainted with this project! I hope the soundtrack will be as depressed as in Synapse. =)
I will not argue with you, just like and to prove something. I think the question is closed, and so that this is not considered offtope I will add that it will be necessary to buy and play this toy.
I don’t see the point in a dispute about stress, in Russia, for example, different people also pronounce the same words with different stresses (for example, “spark”)
It is different different, but not in terms of stress. Я ж не зря столько вариантов просмотрел, перестраховывался.
Maybe closer. But if the fundamental sign – stress – does not converge, then further pronunciation can not even be considered, no matter how you want 🙂
And about “E” I will explain very simple. The first available search option was on Yandex-word. I wrote a comment, presented how you see the link, frown and, not even bothering to get acquainted, write the answer. Found Oxford, replaced them.
And for the last remark, I will only have to offer not to trust so hardly simple people. Yes, there is a person from the UK on the list, and I saw him. But the subsequent link offers to write down and put your own version to anyone who wants it, for modest registration. В принципе, даже мне ничто не мешает это сделать. Это как с Википедией — только в её случае, почему-то, принято скептически относиться к ней как к достоверному источнику информации, а здесь — нет.
Better I trust in specialists, and not just NATIVE SPEAKER’Am-volunteers 🙂
Я — настоящий носитель русского языка! LOZherts на катAлог, дёшево, профессионально!
In general, we understood each other very well, but in the last comments I forgot to say goodbye, which is why it seems that in me the thirst for arguing further bubbles further. This is not so, I wash my hands and thank you for the conversation.
I can only say that I do not see any evidence that the resources you cited were written by less amateurs than those pronouncing the words;)
Да и получается, не стоит так верить транскрипции, если она везде разная.
It changes periodically, so if you are talking about the pronunciation of sounds, then it is. For example, in the current textbooks that I had a chance to feel, I have long not noticed the “lids” ʌ. For the sake of simplification, must be removed.
But stresses were stable, so they didn’t get anywhere, not everything is so sad. It happens that in the word inconsistent stress, depending on what part of speech is the word (for example. Increase – noun. and ch. They are written identical, but differ in stress), but Synapse, as far as I know, is not subject to similar phonetic fluctuations within itself. Give me a kick in the ass, I’m starting again.Grand Ivy Casino review