Call of Juarez: Gunslinger: Video review

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Trying to fix what Techland has worked so well a year and a half ago, made a meaningless and merciless Call of Juarez: The Cartel. In Gunslinger, the Poles tried to fix the error and returned the series to the Wild West. Whether the spirit of a real adventure has survived after restoration?

Call of Juarez: Gunslinger

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Vigorous, beautiful, high quality. But the bag with all these inscriptions is empty. There is nothing. For excellent action, it does not give. There is a plot, but it was written only to glue all the personalities of the Wild West in one story. If you want to see a story that would be at least at the level of the first and second parts, then this game flies by.
But it’s worth playing. Very high quality and beautiful action. Yes, and the plot is not so terrible. The voice of the protagonist sounds smoothly, melodious and generally corresponds to history. Yes, and some points are made so creative and unexpected that you just want to applaud.
But. Playing on the original voice acting is difficult. Read during shooting is difficult. But the quality of our voice acting, which will be in a couple of days / weeks, promises to be terrible.

This is a wild West! Stealth for the weak! Cauls! WHISKEY! Whores! Blackjack! GOLD!
Fak Baby!(lol why fact e is not a red word, hahhaah). Just do not need to ban on the mat, I put it authentically. In general, the general message you realized. Although in Huarez, quite a lot of time was devoted to the concept of sin and repentance, as well as family ties, which pleases.

RDR.RDR.RDR. Infuriates the comparison of these two different games. And different budgets and developer teams. For 15 bucks, we are offered a game with a hurricane gameplay, an excellent atmosphere and a pretty good humor and an approach to creating levels. Yes, the plot may not be as good as in the ties of blood, but what to do. The difference between the game for 15 bucks and for 59 is. I can be accused that I chat a lot about the price, but in it is true. Tsland released the game, as it were, without spending millions on advertising. In my opinion, after a failed cartel, Hanglinger completely rehabilitated them. And yes, I have not played such a cool shooter for a long time, where shooting is really interesting and you are imbued with what is happening on the screen. The review is good, but some nit -picking seems to me from the fact that our generation of players is a little fucking.)
P.S and the soundtrack in this game is just a masterpiece. You can at least for hours to hear.

I also thought so 3 years ago when RDR came out. But alas, except for Coj, no one stands out in this field. The same New Vegas is made in the spirit of Western, but Western is not.
By the way, here they organized a petition with a request to Rockstar to release RDR on a PC. Sign up who is not lazy. With Dark Souls, it means there is a chance now.

And I liked the scene from the movie “Good, Bad, Evil”, and that was “Cowardly Jesse James.»I am personally satisfied with the shooter, I put the heads with great pleasure, especially when in series … And the narrative of the campaign itself is very cool. I liked the design and the art who accompanied the game. In short, I am very pleased with the game.

He was cut for the sake of the steepness of the main characters. Billy candle is the only helpless and weak hero in the series. So he was hiding. And maccoll thugs … well, they are thugs.

I agree with you. But the game for 400 wooden does not claim more. Her task is to entertain the player, to help relax.
It’s only a shame that during pre-order they gave Bound in Blood, and not the 1st part, which was just amazing in terms of the plot and atmosphere (recall at least an episode when the wounded Billy gets to the old Indian, which teaches the hunt and makes him climb onto the enormous mountain behind Eagle’s pen).

Play at a time, no more. But this is just the case when, the complete absence of graphics and physics, is completely replenished with a good and interesting plot

Gentlemen, of course you can throw a stone at me, but it’s better than the first part, and it’s even more interesting to remember the wonderful Gun and Red Dead Redemption

I can’t understand one thing that why everyone is aching here, that this is not the same Coj whom everyone loved? The game from the beginning of the advertising company was sold as a simple shooting range about the Wild West, and you write here that there are no treasures, whores and betrayal in the game, which made the Coj dilogy. Write that there is no plot. So Gunslinger-has a dramatic plot and is not needed, and it is there only to tie levels in one. I would have set an amazing game because Gunslinger gave everything that I promised and even more … He has a wonderful raising, shooting mechanics, a setting of the Wild West, the locations are diverse and interesting, made by all the canons of Western cinema … From and the question is, why whine about what they did not promise that they did not promise?

Call of Juarez: Gunslinger- Good. Graphics, style, spray of blood in the style of tarantino, the most juicy cliches here bloom in something attractive. Nevertheless, it is a pity, but this is not the COF that many loved. The game, in some points, rolls to the level of a shooting range with ducks in wide -brimmed hats. Terrible monotony;pumping does not save. I will wait for discounts.